To fulfil its purpose, the Foundation may carry out, among others, the following activities:
- To create public or private education institutions, particularly at university level, that are independent and autonomous or affiliated with other centres.
- To maintain cultural and scientific ties with higher education centres around the world and enter into appropriate arrangements to cooperate in programmes of mutual interest.
- To establish and sponsor pilot and experimental programmes at all levels and work with schools and other institutions, both public and private, to develop and establish these programmes through timely cooperation agreements.
- To cooperate with institutions that share the same interests.
- To produce and publish texts for training, teaching, cultural, information and research purposes.
- To organise contests and award prizes for books and papers on proposed topics.
- To grant aid and loans that help educational, cultural and social institutions to implement and apply modern communication, teaching and research methods.
- To award all manner of grants, subsidies, aid and loans to scholars, professionals and students for education, enhancement and research purposes, and to ensure they are able to cooperate in all manner of projects, seminars, courses and teaching at any grade or level, including in non-regulated education, within Spain or abroad, and engage with other education, training and teaching institutions in the form of courses and exchanges.
- To promote conferences, symposia, studies, courses, round tables, congresses, meetings, workshops or any other similar event, particularly in the fields of education and current and future communication channels.
- To cooperate with and participate in, directly or indirectly, with a minority or majority holding, in private unlimited and limited liability entities, the purpose and objectives of which are analogous or contribute to those held by the Foundation, and which, in any case, fulfil all legal requirements.